Timing Is Everything: Create Your Destiny of Success at MAIC2022

UFO Team Leaders:

Let’s take a moment to discuss the upcoming 2022 Market America International Convention, the opportunity it represents for everyone and the importance of being here tight with your team.

We’re in crunch time for MAIC2022, and right now there’s no better or higher use of your time than focusing on getting your entire team to the International Convention! Timing is everything, and now is the perfect time to help your team understand the importance of attending MAIC2022.

We’re entering a brand-new phase of growth for our business as we continue to adapt, evolve, and lead the way in retail and one-to-one marketing. Right now, many UFO leaders are experiencing a remarkable renaissance and resurgence of growth and renewal within the business – and the best way for you to tap into this incredible momentum is to be with us in person to learn and grow at the 2022 International Convention.

Success revolves around your ability to harness momentum to establish sustained growth – and the most efficient way to do that is to attend MAIC2022 with your team!

Over the past few years, we’ve learned to adapt by providing a hybrid experience at our events, but there’s simply no substitute for being at events in-person with your team to learn, grow, and strengthen the bonds of business.

Being at MAIC2022 with your fellow UnFranchise Owners is critical because we’ll not only celebrate the past 30 years of unprecedented success, but we’ll also give you the roadmap for the next 30 years as we continue to develop new tools, features, and product lines which make our business plan and UFOs an unstoppable combination.

There’s a special kind of magic in getting people to the convention as well as being there yourself. It serves as a monumental springboard for growth as well as a unique team-building opportunity. That teamwork and chemistry you create here together have a profound effect on not only your belief and understanding but also your success. But that networking and team building only happens by being here together!!!

Successful teams all share one coming trait – they all attend major events together and support one another as they strive to attain daily, weekly, and monthly goals! That commonality has been a theme among successful UnFranchise owners since the beginning and reminds us of the importance of fundamentals. It’s quite often the secret ingredient of success and the factor which determines your future rate of growth.

Right now, every one of us has a small window of opportunity to make magic happen with our teams at MAIC2022. Our opportunities for growth are immense, but the time to act is NOW. Just one question remains – what are you prepared to do about it?

For UFOs around the globe working hard to achieve greatness with the Chairman’s Challenge & the 53 Challenge – it all revolves around getting your team to MAIC2022. It’s a business-boosting experience that simply cannot be replaced or replicated in any other way. It doesn’t matter if you’re a brand-new UFO or a veteran experiencing their second or third wind with the business – no matter who you are, success starts with the knowledge, inspiration, and team building we experience together at events like International Convention – and when it’s all said and done, there will never be another event quite like our 30th-anniversary celebration at MAIC2022!!

You have a brief window of opportunity right now in terms of getting your team to MAIC2022, but that window will eventually close!!! This event will be an experience unlike anything you’ve ever seen and a cornerstone for growth in the years to come. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The old saying: “Timing is everything” couldn’t be more apropos when it comes to this scenario. Timing really is everything! We stress the importance of being here with your team because it’s literally the only way to condense several months of training and decades of belief and experience in one unique learning opportunity.

I urge you not to miss MAIC2022 – because being here may provide you with a quantum leap to accelerate your understanding and success. The only way to experience these magic moments and epiphanies is to be here in person, and the only way to become a hopeless success is to be at MAIC2022 with your team and prospects!!!

Whether you’re new or rebuilding, create a destiny of success by being at International Convention with your team!!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger


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