On the Ark: Bonnie Philo & Team Committed to MAIC2022

Jim Winkler recently sent out a great communication where he highlights our upcoming Stay Focused and Stay the Course 53 Challenge in honor of Dennis Franks. Hats off to Jim and the entire Executive Sales Team for sharing this amazing challenge with the field and for inspiring others to follow in Dennis’ footsteps as an entrepreneur and leader. This upcoming challenge is very important, and I wanted to share with you some great feedback from the field, namely Bonnie Philo, who’s committed to being at MAIC2022 with her squad.

I love seeing people committed to fostering success for others and am thrilled to see Bonnie’s response. Her team clearly understands the magnitude and importance of this upcoming event as we begin the next chapter for our business. It’s been a tremendous 30-year journey so far, but the truth is – we’re just getting started!!!! Have a look below at our messages of encouragement – in the hopes it inspires you to join us on the Ark at International Convention too!!!

Keep Growing & See You at MAIC2022!!!

-JR Ridinger

Jim’s Message

Dear Advisory Council,

Please listen to and feel free to share the short video that I have just recorded.  You are our leaders and the best of the best.  Please take the time to encourage and work with your team to register for the 53 Challenge.  Your efforts will help develop the next group of champions.  Duplication is key for all of us in our businesses.  Use this Challenge to do the heavy lifting for you.  Your effort to get everyone involved will come back to you 1000 fold in the future.  Thanks.  We appreciate all you have done and all you will do to support and lead this great company. 

Are you ready for the 53 Challenge??? Starting 4.1.2022

My Message

Am so glad to see Jim and the EST pushing this.  What is YOUR participation and plan? I want to know about it and your champions and plans and results.  Now is the time to make it happen and we are the solution.  This is the sequel to the beginning pioneers and the next chapter or volume where you and your team are the stars. What are you doing now? What is you participation and results in the 53 Challenge and how many tickets to the 3Oth and MAIC2022 on the Ark have you and your team moved? How many new people do you have coming? I want and need to know!

Keep growing!


Bonnie Philo’s Message

Hi JR!!

Yes, we are committed with 9 on the team. We have over 50 tix for IC through this team, thus far. Many are in England, and they are, as of now, flying live to be at IC with us all.

As we speak, I have taken the next step and I am on a NM training. First time! Great info!  A small break now, so I wanted to get this to you.

The action these Team 53 UFOs are taking are to be admired and it is a joy to see many do more in these past 3 weeks than they have for months, and even years.

God bless. Love to the family

As the song goes…” I don’t know bout you…but I feel good (Pitbull😊)

See ya in Greensboro!

Much love xoxo



PS ..the blessing of this biz…after 2 years, we are finally going on a much needed family vacation!!..all of us!!.to Orlando. Next week…cannot wait!!..and the biz is coming with me..

God bless Market America


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