About Last Night: Alejandro Sanz Rocks Madison Square Garden

My hermano Alejandro Sanz absolutely crushed his performance at Madison Square Garden in NYC! Loren and I have been blessed to know Ale for over 15 years and love him for who and what he is. He’s an absolute musical genius and artist who composes, arranges, plays, records, produces, and writes incredibly poetic lyrics. He’s a true renaissance man who really does it all, and that’s a rare trait today.

Over the years we’ve been honored to be a part of Ale’s life, and even witnessed magic in the making as he and Alicia Keys created their Grammy winning collaboration Looking for Paradise while they were on Utopia III! I love the hint of flamenco & base in Ale’s voice with the dissonant notes expressing pain and love so deeply.

At any rate, his performance this weekend in NYC was truly moving, and captivating and we had a great time celebrating with him afterwards on Utopia IV! His new music was invigorating and the whole audience sung along with his classic hits. Truly an incredible performance and a night Loren and I won’t soon forget! 

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger 


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