People Power: Asia Pacific District Conference

Its hard to explain or even comprehend the modern day digital age miracle that took place last night with the Asia Pacific conference with Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and Chineese leaders from US, Canada & around the world.

There was not only 11,000 online with Zoom but several thousand in “watch parties” around the world together – probably 15,000 connected like we were all together. Just look at these few pics I captured (and these are just a few I grabbed and posted randomly out of hundreds!) – Truly amazing!

Thanks for your belief and being there with us. Congratulations to all the leaders who got their teams on and Claire, Anthony, Charlie & Kevin Buckman and their team for putting together a flawless & miraculous event! Make 2021 your year! We can do anything together!

Loren Ridinger gave the wake up call of the year- WOW! Make new addictive habits that change your life and have FUN by working as teams and helping people succeed! Our number one product is still BELIEF!

Keep Growing!
JR and Loren Ridinger


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