Market Taiwan Leadership School 2019

This past weekend’s 2019 Market Taiwan Leadership School was an utterly massive event with a tremendous turnout in Taipei. This event is a testament to the global entrepreneurial opportunity we represent, and as you can see in the pics below, we had an absolutely packed house!!! MTWLS2019 was a wildly successful event with great press coverage and a lot of momentum generated as we look to finish 2019 strong. 

A special thanks to Kevin Buckman for representing the corporate team and imparting tremendous knowledge on those in attendance. Having the opportunity to learn from dynamic leaders like Kevin is one reason events like MTWLS2019 are so impactful and empowering! I hope you enjoy the pics below – and if you attended the 2019 Market Taiwan Leadership School, be sure to leave me a comment and tell me about your experiences and what you learned!

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger  


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