Market Hong Kong Online Convention: Zoom Your Way to Success with Andrew Weissman and Elizabeth Weber-Walliser

This past weekend our people power & technological tenacity were on full display as we hosted our first-ever Market Hong Kong Online Convention. This unprecedented global pandemic in the modern age has changed the way many people go about their daily lives, but by utilizing technology and resources, UnFranchise Owners have kept the fires of entrepreneurism burning bright. Loren and I were honored to have the opportunity to speak to our UnFranchise family in Hong Kong over the weekend, and we’re excited to see that even during this pandemic, our teams have rallied together and utilized technology to stay connected and productive. 

One of my favorite sessions from the Market Hong Kong Online Convention was where Andrew Weissman and Elizabeth Weber-Walliser discussed how all the fundamental aspects of our business – the Evaluation Approach, No-Decision Close, Trial Runs – all of these things still work (even during times of social distancing) with amazing tools like Zoom. By leveraging these types of digital resources, UnFranchise Owners are still able to grow their business during a time when so many people need a Plan B. I’ve included a replay of this powerful session below. You can also CLICK HERE to access additional presentation information. 

I hope everyone enjoyed this informative session and learned a lot at our Market Hong Kong Online Convention this past weekend. If you tuned in, feel free to leave me a comment and tell me about your impressions and experience. Your feedback is a crucial part of the whole process, especially as we all learn to adapt and learn with digital resources like Zoom! Congratulations to Market Hong Kong for your first-ever online event!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger

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