Thank You for Attending the 2022 Market America World Conference

The 2022 Market America World Conference was a monumental steppingstone for our business and a learning experience unlike any other with an amazing in-person audience mixed with our massive global online audience. From the bottom of my heart thanks to everyone who attended the 2022 Market America World Conference. It’s truly amazing to see so many people around the world interacting with us in real time – a testament to our technology and people power!

Market America is so much more than a business, it’s a family – and I think we all saw that with Lauren and Katie’s emotional tribute to their father and hero, Dennis Franks. This was our first big event since we lost our Dennis, and while his energy and passion will never be replaced, we know deep down his spirit and legacy will always be there with us. I hope everyone appreciates the preciousness of time, because tomorrow doesn’t come with a guarantee. The only thing we can do is live in the now and make a difference everyday just like Dennis did with his time on earth. It’s the best way to honor his legendary legacy and ensure that his positive impact reverberates through time!

What we do with our dash determines our legacy – and I hope what you experienced this week at #MAWC2022 inspires you to take command of your destiny and the mark you leave on the world and the people around us. We’re all unique, but one unifying factor of humanity is the simple fact we all want to improve our lives and help the people we care about. I think our company is a perfect example of this because Market America is made up of people from all walks of life who are in search of something better than merely existing. We want you to thrive and prosper, and by applying what you learned here this week at MAWC2022 I believe you’ll be able to do just that.

I commend everyone who attended MAWC2022 both online and in person because you’ve taken action to improve your life. Now it’s about following through, staying focused, and staying the course! This event was filled with magic moments, brilliant insights, and empowering information designed to empower and inspire our global UnFranchise family – and I hope we were able to accomplish that! Your feedback is a massive part of these events, so I encourage you to leave us a comment and share your experiences from World Conference. It’s a big part of our follow through!

We’ve mastered these types of hybrid events and are always able to adapt and overcome any challenges we face – the past two years have made that crystal clear – but the truth is, I can’t wait to see everyone in person for our epic 30th anniversary celebration in Greensboro, NC at #MAIC2022. We’re always looking ahead, but we live in the now, and right now is the perfect time to grab your three tickets to International Convention. It’s the only way to experience the energy, passion, and perspectives of thousands of entrepreneurs from around the globe who all support one another. We’re creating the global economy of the future – and the future is bright! 

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger


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