Partner Store Feature: Rastelli’s IBV & Cashback Powerhouse

Team, it’s not often that we highlight partner stores as a key business building component for UFOs – but when it comes to high quality food with business boosting potential – look no further than Rastelli’s. We’ve been fortunate to work with Rastelli’s for several years now – and many of you may even remember seeing CEO Ray Rastelli speak at our events…

Rastelli’s is such an important partner store because they fill a massive need and provide us with the means to generate some great IBV and Cashback on meat, poultry, and seafood. If you’re not already using Rastelli’s, I suggest you give them a try so you can experience this incredible company firsthand.

Many UFOs already utilize Rastelli’s but we feel there’s still a great deal of untapped potential in terms of getting your customers to try this incredible product store. They offer one of the most competitive IBV and Cashback rates in our entire Partner Program. Customers and UFOs are rewarded even more when they place an order on AutoShip. Ordering from Rastelli’s is a great opportunity to add recurring IBV to your team and help replace a weekly or monthly task for your customers through a convenient and high-quality delivery service.

We’re now officially in cookout season – and what better way to give your business a boost than introducing your customers to one of our top partner stores – Rastelli’s. Many of us will be grilling out during the summer, so why not turn your cookouts into a business-building opportunity?!?

Rastelli’s is a top-of-the-line partner store that essentially serves as Market America’s butcher. Don’t miss this key component of the Shopping Annuity. Shop smarter with Rastelli’s and SHOP.COM!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger


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