Michael Baptist Shares Motives Cosmetics at The Colour Conference in London

I just received an awesome update from UFO Michael Baptist who just took part in a fabulous conference in London where he had the opportunity to introduce Motives Cosmetics to those in attendance. Michael really gets it and was able to capitalize on this awesome event by introducing new people to our brands and business without any sort of sales pressure.

Below I’ve included a great message from Michael which talks about this awesome event along with some fabulous photos from the event. Feel free to send me your updates like this as well because I love seeing our UFOs making it happen! Congratulations to Michael and his team – they clearly understand what it takes to be successful and realize the importance of giving back to your communities!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger



Every year Hillsong Church worldwide hold a conference in its principal cities such as NYC, South Africa, Sydney Australia, Kiev and London. It’s usually a huge event, where we have well over 5,000-10,000 women converge on each event from around the world.

The conference is themed as “The Colour Conference”.

In a gesture of goodwill and demonstrating an act of generosity , I felt compelled to seek JR and Loren’s  permission on behalf of Market America worldwide to have a gathering for some of the ladies in my congregation (Hillsong, London) and hold a pilot makeup/cosmetics giveaway, with all products coming from our exclusive extensive range.

On Saturday, 9th April. I had invited over 35 ladies ages ranging from 65-13 with diverse ethnic backgrounds, highlighting the variety of our range and worldview. It was a magical night in the centre of London, in the apartment of a good friend.

Prior to the day, I had chosen 6 ladies (leaders in my church) to visit Andrew Weissman whilst he was in London. They were highly impressed with Andrew and the fact that Market America was not just a product selling company but one that believed in been generous. They all walked away with gifts.

On the actual night we had over 25 ladies turn up. The ladies bought raffle tickets and over 12 ladies won some of our top exclusive cosmetics products and each walked away with signed pics from both LaLa and Loren.

The money we raised was presented to the youth in our Bermondsey campus for the Arts.

This was a magic moment for the ladies who attended as we had two live singers and a professional photographer who provided complimentary services in honour of the event.

We themed the night as “motives4colour”- motive you-beautify you -Colour you, colour your world.


To top things off, we had a live makeup demonstration from a certified and insured makeup artist combined with an excellent live product knowledge commentary from our very own UFO Semerah MacDonald. Semerah and her mum Carmen are both incredible UFO’s who just so magical.

My main aim was not to allow any form of selling but to demonstrate the art of giving away generously.

The beauty of the whole concept has now come full circle as the ladies felt no sales pressure and 40% of the ladies in attendance now want to come on board as UFO’s!

Better still, since this was a vision of mine and just a pilot event, the ladies are requesting that this becomes an annual event on a much larger scale! Much interest has now been generated with a prestigious venue in High Street Kensington promised to us for next year.

Warm Regards,

Michael Baptist


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