Market Movers: Verb Technology & Market America Join Forces

Our new partnership with Verb Technology Company is making big waves throughout the industry, and it’s having an equally massive impact on the markets! I especially love seeing Marc Ashley quoted in the press, as his leadership and vision have been a driving force behind all of this.

This is huge news which highlights our strengths as a product brokerage and internet marketing online shopping company providing a digital platform to convert followers, customers, friends, & prospects into customers. Yet another example of Market America and SHOP.COM leading the parade in online shopping & internet marketing! Make sure you and your team experience it by spreading the word and sharing the articles below.

Home-based businesses are growing in popularity today and the obvious advantages of shopping online make the UnFranchise opportunity hotter than ever before and attractive to so many more people looking for solutions and supplemental income. Make sure you spread the word and involve your team! 

The fact that our Verb story was picked up by Yahoo Finance and various other publications and news outlets is a great opportunity for new people to discover our business. One thing which is especially impressive to me is the fact that Verb’s stock has been surging and rose by nearly 20% one day after announcing their partnership with us – clearly, it pays to be in business with UnFranchise Owners! The crazy part is their stock rally continued this morning, and was even featured on MSN! Obviously the markets fluctuate all the time but its still awesome to see our partnership making an impact and building awareness.

I must say – this is one of the most impressive examples of UFO people power I’ve ever seen. We are impacting the markets and generating massive economic enthusiasm – not to mention some tremendous branding. It’s simply incredible to see the things we can accomplish together!!!

Keep Growing! 

-JR Ridinger


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