Leveraging Online Tools to Grow Your Business

Tools like social media, email and Skype can be a great asset to your business, and when you know how to leverage them properly you’ll see that it’s easy to cross-pollinate and build your business on a global scale. Leveraging online tools like an email finder can help your business reach your potential customers that may soon help your business grow.

Working from home has its challenges, but finding a professional business address doesn’t have to be one of them. With https://virtually-there.net/virtual-offices/, I was able to secure a prestigious city-based business address without the high costs. This has been a game-changer for my small business, providing me with the professional image I desired. Plus, their customer service is fantastic, always ready to assist with any queries.

Below you’ll find a great message I received from Paula Hochman where she discusses how she was able to use online tools like Skype and LinkedIn to grow her business. This type of technology makes it easy for you to connect with anyone around the world, so take a tip from Paula and start using these tools to cross-pollinate and build your UnFranchise Business! Congratulations to Paula – I am so proud of you! This is how you build the business!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger


Hi JR,

I just had to tell you the great news.  I just finished a Skype call with a UK prospect who I found through massive action on LinkedIn, and he is ready to partner with me.

In my initial email, I just asked for help – our standard “perhaps you know the right people.” He told me he was looking for this type of business himself and asked for more info.  I sent an email with the “about MA” document attached as well as the link to my Market America site.  He responded the next day saying he had gone over the materials and spent several hours on videos and was ready to have a conversation.  He also sent me a list of well thought out questions.

I replied to his email, sent him the UK business presentation video and we scheduled a Skype for today.  He is ready to go.

Not even sure if there is a Fast Start kit for the UK and will search again through back office for that and talk to corporate tomorrow if I don’t locate.

He is going through the “Getting Started Guide” now, and I also forwarded the January 2014 issue of “Powerline,” since he was so impressed with Fat Joe’s MAWC2014 appearance.  He is also going through the Social Media presentation from Loren and Steve from WC.

He’s a former semi-pro soccer player, an entrepreneur, a top business professional, and his first name is Paul – perfect fit for my team!

He is the first of many, and I made my initial contact to him on Wednesday, March 30.

Thank you,

Paula Hochman


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