Offset the Impact of Rising Inflation and High Gas Prices with Friction Free 3000 and Autoworks Fuel Enhancer!

One aspect of our business that makes Market America so successful is the fact we deliver product lines that are second to none and always in demand. While markets often shift and demand constantly changes, occasionally the products we carry become even more important for consumers – and that’s exactly what we’re seeing right now with Friction Free 3000 and Autoworks Fuel Enhancer.

Think about it. Consumers are getting hit with a massive double whammy of rising inflation and unbearably-high gas prices. The impact this is having on the average family has been devastating for their finances, especially those with substantial commutes. Gas prices and inflation have worked together to create a difficult financial situation for many people, but we’ve got a few products that can really help you get the most from your vehicle and offset some of the inflation pain and high gas prices with better fuel economy for your engine. 

Don Martin is a UFO leader & a big believer in Market America products, and he recently posted about his experiences with Friction Free 3000 and Autoworks Fuel Enhancer. I think the results speak for themselves…


As you can see from the additional reviews below, Don’s not the only one who appreciates the results these 5-star products deliver…

Autoworks Fuel Enhancer Customer Reviews

  • I’ve been using this product on and off for a while, but decided to test it on a long trip. I filled my tank up and added the proper amount of fuel enhancer. It was a long trip and i used a whole tank of gas and when I looked at my average MPG, it was over 3 mpg more than what i usually get. I make this trip often and know the usual results. I will be using this with every fill-up from now on. ~Heather F.
  • This stuff works! I have been using this product for a few years now in 5 different vehicles and it has improved performance in all the vehicles and they all run great from a 2004 to a 2020 vehicle. And I can run regular octane in all with no loss in power or performance. Try it you’ll never be without a bottle in every vehicle! ~Barry G.
  • I bought this fuel enhancer about 8 wks ago, and I noticed a significant difference in fuel efficiency because I was driving all over PA, driving to NJ, and driving back and forth from PA to NYC on a regular basis yet I was filling up my car once every two weeks. The bottle recently ran out and now I find that I am filling up at least once per week even though I have not driven to NYC or NJ in a couple weeks. I also heard from a friend of mine who paid extra close attention to his fuel mileage. He saw an extra 70 miles on each fill up. There are up 8 uses per bottle, so he is basically getting an extra 560 miles. Thats about 1-2 tanks of gas depending on the type of vehicle you drive. ~Joseph P.C.

Friction Free 3000 Customer Reviews

  • Extends Engine Life – Wow. For those of us who buy a vehicle and keep it forever, this product is great. Kept my Chevy Equinox’s engine working great. Got 195,000 miles in that vehicle before I chose to replace it. ~Sharon D.
  • Love this product. I have used this for years. It has added mileage on to all our cars. Also we live in a cold weather state and this is wonderful for cold starts. ~Jim W.
  • The little engine that could! I have used Friction Free for many, many years in my 1990 Toyota Corolla GTS. When I take my “Toy” in for service or repairs the mechanics can’t believe that the 435,000 miles on my car is on the ORIGINAL engine. ~Beatrice F.


As of June 2022, the inflation rate has risen to a whopping 9.1% – the highest since 1981! As if that weren’t enough, fuel prices have been steadily rising amid global unrest, supply chain woes, and volatile market conditions. With inflation surging and gas prices rising ever higher, people are looking for real solutions for these seemingly-unavoidable issues. Fortunately, we’ve got two products that are perfect for this situation and can really help stretch your dollar!

People need sensible solutions for the rising gas prices and inflation, and UnFranchise Owners are in the perfect position to help connect them with two powerhouse products that can really help right now: Friction Free 3000 and Autoworks Fuel Enhancer. Our business is all about connecting people with products, and right now we all have the opportunity to help people save money in the face of booming inflation and high gas prices! Don’t miss this opportunity to make a positive impact for both your customers and business!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger




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