From Aid to Trade: Empowering the Entrepreneurs of Jamaica

Economic empowerment has been the cornerstone of Market America since its inception, and as our company has grown we’ve been able to help unlock new opportunities for people around the world. Working with others to help foster positive economic change and a better future for everyone is what the UnFranchise Business is all about – and that’s exactly what Bishop Wayne Malcolm is working to achieve with his International Christ Ambassador Network (iCAN) in Jamaica.

Because our missions are so much in tune, we’ve partnered with Bishop Malcolm to help sponsor a tremendous upcoming event to help spark an entrepreneurial fire in Jamaica – the iCAN Global Summit, which will be held in Montego Bay from June 5 to 7.

Bishop Malcolm was recently in Jamaica along with UnFranchise Owner Tanesha Westcarr discussing this upcoming event, and how economic empowerment, rather than aid, is what Jamaica truly needs in order to achieve economic recovery. As Bishop Malcolm so astutely points out in the following quote from The Sunday Gleaner in Jamaica, no country has ever emerged from poverty through mere economic aid:

“Aid is simply an alternative to the immediate effect of poverty, and it’s really through trade most countries get out of poverty so it’s time to move from aid to trade.”

I echo Bishop Malcolm’s words, and am honored to be a guest speaker at the upcoming iCAN Global Summit in Jamaica. I’m thrilled to have the chance to take part in this landmark event, and to discuss the opportunities presented with Market America and the UnFranchise Business, as well as the important role entrepreneurism plays in economic empowerment. I am so excited to work with Bishop Malcolm as we help the people of Jamaica achieve their dreams and unlock their potential as entrepreneurs! Bishop Malcolm has already had quite an impact in Jamaica, and has even spoken with the Cabinet as well as the Prime Minister last week at Jamaica House.


Giving people the tools to build lasting economic prosperity is a mission that we can all support together! As Bishop Malcolm says: “Let’s lead the recovery instead of sitting around and waiting on things to get better.” Jamaica is ready for recovery, and that recovery begins with the iCAN Global Summit. Jamaica will also be our next EMP country, so the timing for this opportunity is perfect! Join us and together we will empower the entrepreneurs of Jamaica and help forge a new economy!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger



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