12 Days of Deals on SHOP.COM

Team, we’re running another great promotion on SHOP.COM with Mastercard and Click to Pay to help everyone save big on some amazing gifts while also giving UFOs a powerful retailing boost! Between now and December 14th we’re featuring an incredible new deal each day with our 12 Days of Deals promotion on SHOP.COM.

The holidays represent a huge retailing opportunity for UnFranchise Owners, and I suggest everyone utilize this promotion to spark growth and retail success. Be sure to spread the word with your team and tell your customers! Visit SHOP.COM for the details!

Ive included below some great promotional resource which you can use for social media posts & emails so you can drive more traffic to your portal! Savvy UFOs use these types of promotions from SHOP.COM to drive their success…


Click below to be the first to know what’s happening in JR’s world.
