Market Taiwan Annual Convention: Grand UBP and Challenge Reception

Team, I’d like to share with you some amazing images from our UnFranchise family in Taiwan, as the Market Taiwan 2020 Annual Convention is underway! First and foremost, hats off to our fabulous Market Taiwan corporate team who rose to the challenge and put together this great event!

It’s quite an impressive feat when you consider all the logistics involved, and as you can see in the images below they had a tremendous turnout for the Grand UBP that kicked off the event! They had around 9,000 people in attendance as ESC Justin Lin did a great job presenting the business. It’s always inspiring seeing so many entrepreneurs empowering one another!

The Grand UBP was a great way to kick off the 2020 Market Taiwan Annual Convention, but there was another special element to the evening which focused on the success of our Market Taiwan UFOs. The Challenge Reception was a tremendous celebration of success, with a record number of 188 Challenge Winners this year. When you consider the challenge they overcame related to the global pandemic, it makes this record setting performance especially impressive and inspiring to us all. Here’s a breakdown of our challenge winners:

  • Chairman’s Challenge Winners: 29
  • Motives: 127
  • WebCenters: 11
  • TLS: 21
  • 19 UFOs received 2 awards
  • 6 UFOs received 3 awards
  • 2 UFOs received all 4 awards 

Congratulations to all our Market Taiwan challenge winners! You’re the personification of perseverance and success – and an inspiration to us all! Challenge winners set the pace and lead the way – you are the beacon light for others to follow. Thank you for your belief and congratulations on your tremendous accomplishments!!!

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger

Challenge Reception



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