Business Building: Host Your Own TLS Resolution Revolution Events

New Years is almost upon us, and that means millions of people all around the world will be making resolutions to lose weight and start living a healthier lifestyle. With everyone searching for ways to live a healthier lifestyle in 2014 – this is a tremendous opportunity for you to introduce your customers to the TLS Weight Loss Solution.

By helping people lose weight with TLS, you’ll also be growing your business! The TLS Weight Loss Solution has the plan, the products, and the support your customers need to make 2014 the last year they’ll ever make a weight loss resolution – but you need to be involved too!

One of the best ways that you can introduce your customers to the life-changing TLS Weight Loss Solution is to host amazing Resolution Revolution events just like Fernanda Santiago. Below you’ll find some great pictures from Fernanda’s TLS Resolution Revolution event from last week, along with more information on how to build your business with TLS events.

We are giving you all the tools you need to successfully build your business with TLS, but you need to be proactive and start hosting events of your own – just like Fernanda Santiago! Congratulations to Fernanda for leading the way and introducing the amazing TLS Weight Loss Solution with her customers!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger

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Here is what you need to do to take your business to the next level with TLS:

1) Go within your organization – see who wants to host an event with you.

2) Expand your network – ask your friends if they would be willing to party hire in exchange for free product. This is a great way to introduce TLS to an entire new group of people, network network, network!

3) ASK – Every conversation you have, starting NOW, you should be asking “What’s your New Year’s resolution?”. FACT: 1 out 4 Americans will go on a diet or join a gym starting January 1st. Start planting the seed in people’s minds now. You don’t have to make the sale now it’s about planting the seed and making them aware that you have a solution to what will likely already be their resolution.

4) Build excitement – What is better than FREE? How about FREE and amazing results? Start educating customers on the science & effectiveness of TLS CORE. When we announced the New Year Special, (a FREE bottle of CORE with 3month TLS website subscription), many jumped on the opportunity to receive this coveted product for FREE!

5) You build the excitement and you follow these steps:

STEP 1 – Help Your Customers to set a GOAL. Do you want to lose weight, tone up or stay healthy? People who set specific goals are 10 times more likely to reach their goals than those who don’t.

Step 2 – Have your customers order TLS New Year’s Special. Get a FREE bottle (plus shipping) of our top rated, customer favorite TLS CORE. with the purchase of a 3month TLS Website subscription which gives you all the program information you need to succeed.. you get your Free bottle of CORE that is over a $94 value for only $24.95 (plus shipping). We are so confident that you will get the weight loss results you have been looking for that we are literally giving away free product to you!

Step 3 – Go public— have your customer go public with their commitment. Not only has it been proven that sharing your goal with others will help you stick to it, sharing your commitment can help motivate others to get healthy as well! You and your customers post your resolution on social media and why 2014 is the year to achieve their goals with #ResolutionRevolution and @tlsweightloss

Step 4: The BV is in the Follow Up- teach your customer how to take “Dieter Profile” Questionnaire on and review menu and additional product recommendations. Make sure you have product handouts and product infograhics found in your back office UFMS, Downloads, Support Materials, Sales Aids. This will make sharing and answering the questions easy for you.


We are providing you with all the tools and marketing materials you need to take advantage of the biggest time of the year for the weight loss industry! Making the most of this yearly slim-down trend is the key to propelling your business forward, and we’ve already created all the tools you need to get it started! Now on your UnFranchise® Business Account under ‘Downloads’:

  • TLS Resolution Revolution Flier — Just post this great-looking promotional tool around town to attract new customers. Everyone who wants to look and feel better (and who doesn’t?) will be coming to you for answers!
  • TLS Resolution Invitational Postcard — This makes the perfect mailer for all your VIPs, and its professional style and flair will make it one of their favorite holiday cards this season. Just add your event details, and get ready to change the lives of you and your team through a major upswing in business!

These two downloads give you the power to make 2014 a truly life-changing year for both your clients and your business. Don’t wait — the time is now to take advantage of these two great downloads, and watch your business grow! Be sure to keep an eye on the News & Announcements, TLS Facebook groups and MeetON over the next few months for more information about the TLS Resolution Revolution!


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