The Power of ShopBuddy and SHOP.COM

The following is a great testimonial that shows the true power of ShopBuddy and SHOP.COM! When you utilize our cutting edge-technology, and couple that with an incredible Cashback program and the people power of our dedicated Shop Consultants – you’ve got a shopping experience that’s second to none!

Please take a moment to read John Reynolds great testimonial below – which shows how he was able to use ShopBuddy and SHOP.COM to find a great deal on a new starter for his car. With features like ShopBuddy – you’re always just a click away from the best deals online with SHOP.COM.

shop buddy main page

What makes John’s testimonial so special is the fact that he realizes the importance of taking your success to the next level by utilizing SHOP.COM for all your shopping needs! When you become a product of the product and buy all your household products through SHOP.COM – you are contributing to your Shopping Annuity and basically recycling your money!

It’s a no-brainer – so take a page out of John’s book and start building your success today! Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger

Here’s John’s message:

Hello JR!

I have a great testimony. I needed a starter for my car. I used ShopBuddy and saw Advance Auto Parts was an affiliate. I looked got 30% off and 4% Cashback and in-store pickup. I made $45.00 with savings from the discount and Cashback. I would have never known had it not been for ShopBuddy and SHOP.COM. Now nothing is bought any other way but thru SHOP.COM in our home unless it can’t come thru SHOP.COM!


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