The Shopping Annuity: It’s in our DNA

We have something absolutely magical with the Shopping Annuity, because it allows you to invest in the most precious commodity on earth – yourself! By converting spending into earning you are investing in yourself while leveraging our incredible buying power! It’s like a belief barometer, because if you’re not doing it, you don’t believe in your own business!

It’s a mental attitude and a belief system that’s fundamental to the business. As UnFranchise Owners it’s in our DNA! If you’re not a product of the product you are doing something very wrong! Take the time to assess how you’re spending your money, and determine what changes you can make that will allow you to buy from yourself and help build your Shopping Annuity with us. Buying from brick and mortar stores just doesn’t make sense anymore, especially when you already own the keys to the best kept secret in ecommerce!

Click and order is the wave of the future, and when you buy the things you already need through SHOP.COM you are feeding your Shopping Annuity. When your team duplicates this process you’ll become an unstoppable force together – it’s all about magnifying your earning power and leveraging our buying power! All the shopping that you and your leaders do can be placed down in your organization so everyone benefits! It’s how we achieve success together.

If you all believe we can change the way the business works, and buy into the Shopping Annuity, we will fill American Airlines Arena to the rafters next year with Directors. Converting spending to earning is that crucial to your success! Information plus application leads to transformation, and together we have the power to change the world just by being smarter about our purchasing habits. The only question is – are you going to use what you’ve learned here today about the shopping annuity to transform your UnFranchise business into an absolute powerhouse?

It’s up to you. If you’re not gonna change the world, someone else will.

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger



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