The Power of the UnFranchise Business

As we get closer to the 2014 Market America World Conference, I begin to think about the thousands of light bulbs that will go off – as that billionth of a volt kicks in for thousands of our UnFranchise Owners who begin to fully appreciate this business for what it’s worth. Everyone who has established success with the UnFranchise Business can always point back to that ah-ha moment – where they fully understood their full potential, and for many UnFranchise Owners that moment will come at next month’s World Conference in Miami.

For other UnFranchise Owners like Rachel Griesbach, that moment has already arrived. Rachel really gets it, and understands the incredible life-changing potential of the UnFranchise Business and our mall without walls – SHOP.COM. She recently sent me a great email update about a recent local seminar she attended with the Molinaros, and the progress she’s made with Market America and her UnFranchise Business.

Please take a moment to read Rachel’s inspirational message below, as I hope it will help you see the potential that lies within you too!  As Rachel says below, this is a “Pay It Forward” business – so do your part by sharing this amazing message with your team! Come to Miami for our World Conference, and your team will be educated, motivated, and poised for tremendous success just like Rachel!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger



First off I just want to say Happy New Year and happy holidays to you and yours! I saw the Molinaro’s this past weekend for our local seminar in Green Bay, WI and I am so grateful for them to kick off my year.  I just can’t say enough about this particular training.   It’s been keeping me up at night.  I can’t wait to learn from you all in Miami and will definitely be meeting you at International Convention for the President’s Challenge!

Also, I just wanted to say thank you.  I know you probably get this all the time, but really JR, Thank You.  I am a full-time single mother of 2 little beautiful girls.  To say the least it’s been a struggle.  I know I haven’t been consistent, nor made the full mind shift of treating this like the business it is worth until NOW.  However I do have to say even with me getting caught up in the whirlwind of life at times in the past, with this business the self-growth I have received along with the training, friendships and the knowledge…  You can’t put a price on that.

I am becoming a better woman and a better person because of Market America.  I am a healthier person because of Market America.  From the bottom of my heart I just can’t thank you and the team enough for this business opportunity at hand and constantly fighting to give us the best and be the best… And for the Hope alone that it gives.  It gives me peace of mind when I lay my head down at night and think of my girls.

Prior to having kids I have done 4 other “things” and I feel like most of them left me disappointed with the training/support, not to mention the Business Model!!!  This is truly a Pay It Forward business.  I am truly and forever grateful for this business opportunity and I apologize for not realizing nor treating it like what it is truly worth prior. Anyways I wasn’t expecting to express all of that, but it weighs heavy on my heart. Thank You.

I cannot wait to see you in Miami!!!  (especially with it forecast to be -15 here in Wisconsin and that is not factoring in the wind-chill)


Rachel Griesbach

Internet Marketer

Motives Beauty Advisor

Licensed Professional H&MU Artist


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