Day One of MAWC2014

Day One of the 2014 Market America World Conference was nothing short of phenomenal! We had some tremendous stage presentations today, and had the opportunity to learn about everything from how we’re simplifying the business, to our global expansion efforts with the MPCP, to all the incredible new updates to We had a chance to meet our amazing Motives Mavens, and even learned about the fundamentals of recruiting from some fabulous field leaders. We introduced some great new products and new initiatives that will help make 2014 an incredible year for all UnFranchise Owners!

To read more about all the incredible presentations from day one of MAWC2014, have a look at these blog posts on the Market America Blog! You’ll find some great recaps from the presentations here:

New Health & Nutrition Products Launch at MAWC 2014  

TLS Weight Loss Solution awards $100,000 to Find Your Fit Winners

 Day 1 Morning Session of MAWC 2014: New Tools, Products, TLS Challenge Winners & More!  

Motives® Launches Paparazzo Collezione, Motives Mavens Palettes, Plus New Additions!  

Day 1 Afternoon Session of MAWC 2014: Motives Mavens, Global Unified MPCP & an NBA Legend!  

You can also visit the Market America Facebook Page to find some incredible pictures from Day One. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then these incredible pics from Day One of #MAWC2014 should be worth a million words. These are great for you to share on social media to help generate a buzz about your UnFranchise business – so be sure to share them!

I can’t wait to see you all for Day Two of #MAWC2014! Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger


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